Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Writing Takeaways: Notes from Realm Makers Conference (Lizzie)

 My good intentions of going over my notes from the Realm Makers Conference (a conference for Christian writers of science fiction and fantasy) soon after returning were never realized, as one thing after another came up to claim my time. But I am excited to look over the notes now and share some of the things I thought I most should remember. Hopefully those things will be of value to you as well.

As I began going through my notes, however, I found too many to type up (the sign of a good conference), so I've chosen a few inspirational comments and a few practical tips from the first few sessions I went to.

1. Don't worry about running someone else's race. Make what you can do work for you--even if it's one book a year. -Michael Anderle

2. You can make yourself do amazing things. -Michael Anderle

3. You need a short term and longterm perspective.  -Frank Peretti

4. The man who walks in integrity walks securely. -Frank Peretti quoting from the Bible.

5. A hero is someone who does something. You have to fail in half of the things you tried to know what you're capable of. Write failures into your plans so you don't get upset when you fail. Jesus is still leading. What's worth doing is worth doing poorly. You don't start walking well but have to keep failing and trying. This is part of the longterm perspective. -Frank Peretti

6. You and God are co-creating when you write. God has given us the power to create so we could do that with him.-Allen Arnold

7. Satan wants to make us believe we can't hear God's voice and tells us lies--that God is holding out on us, that the world doesn't need more books, etc. -Allen Arnold

8. Your book is not for everyone. But there is someone your book is for. Understanding this will help you handle rejection. -Nadine Brandes

9. Study the blurbs in Bookbub's newsletter and see what works to help you learn to write blurbs.  -Michael Anderle

10. Pitches are important because they help others share about your books. -Nadine Brandes

11. A pitch needs a setting/genre; a golden nugget (like a unique challenge or character); and a problem. Practice on other books. For example, "The Hobbit is a fantasy novel where a young man is hired to steal from a dragon--but he's never left home." -Nadine Brandes

12. Your pitch needs to be short and confident. Short is memorable, long is easy to forget. Short allows them to ask for more. Explain your book in a concise way to create more curiousity and wonder. Create questions, not confusion. 

13. Improve to serve your readers. -Sharon Hinck

There are always so many things to remember from a conference. What are some of the most memorable things you've learned at a writers' conference?

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